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Cloud Syzygy Technologies: Cloud-Based Computing - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Owen Hall; Charla Brown; Mark Chun;
出版日期:2016/09/07內容長度:6 頁

Teaching note for product 9B16E028.

Cloud Syzygy Technologies: Cloud-Based Computing
作者姓名:Mark Chun; Owen Hall; Charla Brown;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B16E028
出版日期:2016/09/07內容長度:5 頁

The president of Cloud Syzygy Technologies (CST) had recently returned from the Pacific Telecommunications Council conference, where he discussed ways in which cloud computing had transformed industries. He knew that in the future, the real opportunities lay in the cloud and not in traditional internal IT solutions. As the executive in charge of CST, he wished to develop a plan to grow the business, which would include a clear message to his customers .....more